
21 Apr
Marketing: More than a band aid; a strategy

For better, or worse, our world has become instamatic. The need for the quick fix, “results now, or else,” frame of mind can sneak up on the best of us. Instant gratification is human nature. I get it, when it comes to bottom-line marketing metrics, goals need to be pushed and met. Yet, we have...

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18 Feb
Is There a Dial Tone?

“We went from picking up the phone and making sure there was a dial tone, to hiring more people to keep up with the business.” – LGM Client True story. This was an incredibly fun business to work with. They had been around for many years, even considered a staple in the community. They participated...

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22 Jan
Define “Big”

I have had the privilege to be mentored by some of the best people at the top of their game. Brian Klemmer was one of those mentors. Beyond my media experience I also had the opportunity to be a founder for a leadership development company. Brian mentored us through this very successful venture. One day...

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12 Dec
Love Me Then Leave Me

LGM will grow your business. Then we might part ways. I know, what a great way to start a blog right? Kinda like your gonna love me then leave me. Here’s the truth at LGM: We are addicted to growth. Period. Completely. Addicted. Growth means different things to different people. Continuous, strategic, sustained growth is...

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22 Nov
Untraditional Results

I get questioned often, “Liliana, how can you call yourself a full-service agency when you have such a small staff and some partners? Isn’t that untraditional?” That would be correct. Our business model is untraditional, but so are our results. Our model works. Really well. Just ask my clients, they will happily tell you. So...

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01 Oct
Drying Paint

Just because you watch the paint dry doesn’t mean it will dry any faster. The same is true with marketing. It’s a process, and it can’t be rushed, trying to do so will only ruin your final project. Ever been a part of painting a room in a house? Fascinating isn’t it? That one room...

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15 Sep
Your Custom Home

If you have spent any time looking for a Media and Marketing agency you know what to expect. You have been taken to the pretty offices, you have been schmoozed at the nice lunches, you have heard about their expensive accounts. The typical agency tells you they have a web guy, a designer, a social...

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13 Aug
The Magic Bullet

If marketing was a magic bullet, I would sell it. I would be rich beyond rich. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet. There is, however, a recipe that, when followed time after time, will produce results. I know this from growing up in Iowa. No, I did not grow up on a farm, but my...

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16 Jul
Plan B Marketing

We fix what others break. It started as a joke several years ago but somehow it stuck and it comes up often in our LGM meetings. We fix what others break. What does plan B mean to us? The same thing it means to you. Your plan A for growing the business didn’t work. Turns...

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06 Jun
The Power of Your Dollar

Have you tried digital marketing and it doesn’t seem to work? You are not alone. Does it feel overwhelming as to what you should or shouldn’t do? You are not alone. Does it feel like you are pouring good money into bad marketing? You are not alone. I was sitting down with a business owner...

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